Archival Data Storage Cannot Be Left Forgotten and Still Remain Resilient

Data must be resilient. And Data Resilience is from being able to to go back to any point in time and selectively recover.

As stated in Building a better archival storage strategy “Data that’s no longer referenced with any frequency tends to fall off the radar. The only concern is that it not be deleted, because that could have devastating consequences.”.

Data RecoveryIt is not good enough that data is just not deleted. There are real life situations that require the ability to “look back in time”. Data backup and recovery strategies must meet company policies regarding regulatory requirements, data breaches, ability to respond to court orders, and more.

Consider that data is not only to be backed up for protection of a catastrophic event, but, it also needs to be restored in different ways for different purposes and meet varying requirements. This requires coordinated strategies and testing. Data Backup strategies must be planned and tested to assure all company requirements regarding data retention and recovery are met.

Salvus Data Consultants is a managed service provider that can assist in evaluating your data backup and recovery processes to ensure that all scenarios are considered to ensure your data is resilient, not just backed up. Then Salvus can manage your entire backup and recovery processes remotely without your data ever leaving your control.